20 & 21 Nov 2024

Precision farming technology demonstrations at Midlands Machinery Show

Precision farming technology demonstrations at Midlands Machinery Show

Investing in technology is only of benefit to agricultural businesses if it moves the dial in terms of operational performance.

Crop production specialists and Midlands Machinery Show exhibitor Hutchinsons says its Omnia digital farming platform has, for the past decade, evolved to meet the needs of both its customers and agronomists.

Over time, Omnia has grown from being a digital record-keeping tool to become a complete farm management programme.

Updates over the past few years facilitates the latest precision farming techniques as well as simplifying compliance with new environmental schemes such as the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).

Hutchinsons’ Digital Farming Specialist, Ed Strawson, said: “Omnia began as a precision mapping system and today offers a range of user-friendly business modules such as cost of production, rotational planning, and yield and carbon mapping tools.

“We’ve shifted from simply keeping electronic records for, let’s say, a farm assurance audit to being able to send a variable rate drilling plan to a tractor for an operator to complete.

“The operator can say they’ve completed it and wirelessly send it straight back. Before, a PDF would’ve been filed in by hand, then that paper record would’ve been sent back to the office where someone would need to manually re-enter the information into the farm records.”

One feature that sets the system apart from its competitors is the Omnia Scout app, which enables farmers to upload a photo directly from the field.

“Images geolocate and date stamp something you or your agronomist have seen – this could be disease pressure, weeds or perhaps a field feature such as a wet spot or a drain, pinpointing it to an exact location,” Ed explains. “When added to the app, everyone knows exactly what it is and where it is which is a great tool both in terms of agronomy and decision making.

“This feature can also be used for SFI compliance. If you need to prove that a field was drilled on a particular day, you can take a photo of the tractor out in the field drilling. Or if you need to demonstrate that flowering began in June, you can go out and take a photo of it for your records.

“The app takes the photo, uploads it to your account and puts a date stamp on it.

“The small print of some SFI options dictates that you will need to provide documentation to prove you met the aims of your agreement – with this system, as soon as this information is requested you can download a report immediately.”

As many farmers look to upgrade their farm management systems to something more user friendly, the team at Hutchinsons is looking forward to showcasing Omnia at the Midlands Machinery Show this November.

“We’re looking forward to demonstrating the platform as well as the many other services Hutchinsons can offer,” says Mr Strawson.

“I like the Midlands Machinery Show because it is a regional show with a wide draw. We see farmers travel up to two hours to come to the show, but it still has a local feel to it. There are the larger companies there but also those who operate on a smaller scale who wouldn’t want to go to a national event.  

“The location is great and it has inside and outside stands. It works really well.”

Exhibitor stands are still available at the Midlands Machinery Show. Booking is taking place online. Registration for free tickets to the show on 20 and 21 November is also open at www.midlandsmachineryshow.com.